Our commitment to sustainability - we like to think of it as being Eco Bró At Bró HQ we care all about completing the circle of environmental sustainability.

We are really proud to say we are the first coffee producer in Ireland to offer fully compostable packaging. Meaning that your coffee grinds, your Bró packaging and even our Bró Gift Boxes can all go straight into the compost bin.

At Bró HQ in Co Down, earlier this year we sowed thousands of wild flowers, fertilised with our coffee grinds! A picture speaks a thousand words and if you could smell this one, you'd be smiling like we do when we look outside.

As a family business with young children, we think it is really important to do our part to preserve this beautiful place we live in.

We're committed to sustainability and are currently experimenting with making briquettes with our grinds so everything we do is recycled or compostable.

You can get involved too:

  • Use your grinds to fertilise your garden. I's a rich source of nitrogen and used coffee grinds are neutral so won't add acidity to your soil.
  • You can add them to a compost heap or just direct to the soil.
  • Some gardeners use grinds as mulch around plants and there is a suggestion that it can deter slugs and snails when placed at the base of plants.
We like to take our recycle cups of coffee out to the garden with us to have a quick coffee stop and smell the wildflowers! Happy gardening from the Bró team.
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